
Day 2 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

Here we are at day 2 of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.  Today I've done a painting of a fish.............a rather unintentional chunky fish.  Artist Trading Card (2.5 x 3.5 inch) in Sennelier oil pastels.  I found the yellow was very soft and creamy and the blues harder.  I like the creamy texture but I think I need to get a blending stick - I'm using a paper talon which is okay but the tip gets rather mucky.

Till tomorrow

1 comment:

Mellowood Gallery said...

Hi Anita - pretty chunky indeed but wonderful colour. I have to think that working that small is a challenge to start with - I don't really understand the appeal of ATCs but so many people do them. Have a great day!